Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2024 Olympics bidding race begins now!

2024 Olympics bidding race begins now.
2020 Olympics is Tokyo.
2024 Paris?
Tokyo and Japan support Paris?
What do you think about that?
Do you love Paris?
I love Paris.
I must support Paris.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


2020 Tokyo Olympic games makes the new world the new era.
Will you choose Tokyo this time?
Tokyo will make not only sports cultures but also various cultures.
And that will help people of around the world.
The effects of a lot of things are so enormous profits for people of around the world.
Tokyo has enough money to held Olympic games.
Let me say again.
Will you choose Tokyo this time.
2020 Tokyo Olympic games makes the new world and the new era.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The culture of collaborating Young girls and Middle age guys

Do you know the Japanese culture of collaborating Young girls and Middle age guys.
Just now, those cultures bloom so much in Japan.
Young girls passion plus middle age guys experiences made big cultures.
How about your country?
Same as Japan?
Tell me the situation of your country.
But Japan, over sixty year-old people world has no culture, no happiness.
How about your country?
same as Japan?
Tell me the situation of your country.
Thank you.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Japanese male baby boomers love young girls.

Japanese male baby boomers love young girls.
Actually, they hate same age female.
I don't know.
May be Japan lost the war.
They are the very strange generation.
If they speak another generations, they need interpreters even though Japanese.
Now many Japanese male baby boomers can make young girlfriends.
They aren't lonely heart.
But, Japanese female baby boomers are still lonely hearts.
Who comforts them?
Young boys?
I don't know.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Let me apologize about strange and rude Osaka Mayor opinion.

As you know, nowadays Osaka Mayor Mr. Hashimoto  says rude things everyday.
I'm sick about his remarks.
Japanese people pay attention  his remarks. Mr. Hashimoto's remarks are  very dangerous.
Not only Japanese but also People of Korean Peninsula People of China People of U.S.A.
Mr. Hashimoto's remarks made people of the world unpleasantly.
I'm only a Japanese citizen. But I must apologize to people of all over the world.
Osaka Mayor Mr. Hashimoto's  remarks are so dangerous.
Let me apologize before he will be Japanese Hitler.
"Very sorry people all of the world."

Monday, May 13, 2013

Please listen my opinion President of South Korea Mis. Park

Please listen my opinion President of South Korea Mis. Park just a little bit.
Do you know the situation of South Korea?
Very serious.
Do you comprehend the threat of China?
Very dangerous.
Do you understand the possibility that Korean Peninsula will be China?
Just you face the most big crisis for your country's 5000-year-history.
Mis Park You had better the power balance more and more.
And Japan is only one country that can save Korean Peninsula.
Please look back the truth of South Korean history.
Especially, After second world war.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Good love wait there Japan.
Yes, People can make Good love in Japan under 60-tear-old people.
Over 60-year-old people live in "ELDERLY PEOPLE LAND".
People of Elderly people land have NO LOVE NO HOPE NO JOB.
Japanese Elderly people land is "NO NO NO LAND".
When TOURISTS from foreign countries saw the Japanese elderly people land. They said,
"Oh Japanese Zombies land. very terrible."
Change Japan and Let's say this key word,
even though over 80-year-old.
This key word save Japan.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chinese leader must say the opinion.

Chinese leader must say the opinion.
Nowadays, China 's action and behavior is terrible.
People of the world say,"
"China is very rude."
Chinese leader loves the word RUDE?
May be NO.
So Chinese leader must say the opinion.
And Change attitude as Russia
otherwise Chinese leader ruin his country soon.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Thank you President of Russia, Mr. Putin.

Thank you President of Russia, Mr. Putin.
After my words,
"Russia had better change."
You explained your mind on Russian T.V. Show.
This is very important thing for the world future.
I appreciate your job.
Not only Japan but also many countries of this world think so.
Mr. Putin, Please change Russia more and more.
I expect next your big job.
Let me say again,
Thank you President of Russia, Mr. Putin.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Russia and China had better CHANGE

Russia and China had better CHANGE.
I know that People of both countries hope so.
Please finish dictatorship.
Autocracy is out of date.
If you continue this political system, Your countries' future will be so dark.
May be leaders of both countries know that.
It's time to change.
Let's make ONE WORLD.
Let's make NEW WORLD.
Many countries  need your new countries' power.
Please consider my opinion.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

U.S.A. must respect Kids World more and more.

U.S.A. must respect Kids World more and more.
Nowadays Kids of U.S.A. became feeling small.
Gun Rampages many places?????????
I don't know the reason.
Kids of U.S.A. must have power more and more.
Kids power makes tomorrow as you know.
In the world now,
There are the countries where kids has big power.
Do people of U.S.A. know that?

Friday, February 22, 2013


Frank Jackson lives in New York City now.
Former he was the elite. He worked the big company.
Two years ago, His boss suddenly said to him,
"Sorry, our company isn't good O.K.?"
"You mean FIRE?"
Frank threw away his wife, daughter, his home  and home town Illinois.
He came to New York City alone two years ago.
He spends lonely heart days.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


U.S.A. began to walk the new road and began to make the new history.
Let's watch and expect the President of U.S.A. Mr. Barack Obama's action.
Do you love Mr. Obama or No?
We had better believe Mr. Obama 's action and his ability.
This belief save U.S.A. and the world.
Let's believe Mr. Obama. That is the best way.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pay attention terrorists and check them.

Pay attention  terrorists and check them.
Your neighbors are O.K.?
Now terrorists try to destroy not only facilities but also  people's small happiness.
We mustn't admit terrorists illegal activities.
Pay attention and check them.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Japanese cooperate terrorists this time????

I guess, "Japanese cooperate terrorists this time in Algeria crisis."
I doubt, "Japanese teach the information to terrorist."
I'm so sad.
Bad dream or Truth?
What do you think about that?
All Japanese people and Japanese Government must control own information.
It's the big duty for Japanese people to make the peace world.