Monday, August 29, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane:P17

"Oh Barbara, I love you so."

Ken kissed Barbara like Machine Gun Shot.


 Barbara cried so heavy.

17 boy's passion explored.

Ken held Barbara so tight.


Barbara cried again.

"You're all of me Barbara."

"Thank you."

"Do you love me Barbara?


Ken cried so heavy and said,

"Oh Barbara."

Ken head you tight so heavy again.

Young New Yorker's love begins now.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane :P16

Ken kissed Barbara softly again.

"Barbara I love you."

Two days after Ken and Barbara met each other in the park.

Ken hold Barbara so tight.

"Oh, NO Ken."

"I love you Barbara. I need your love."

Ken hold Barbara so tight more and more and kissed her neck.

"Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh. NO."

"Barbara, do you love me?"

"I don't know."

Ken kissed her neck so heavy again.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Novel:The relation between Barbara and Jane:P15

White boy Ken kissed Black girl Barbara.

"I love you Barbara. Your father is white."

Barbara cried again.

"Do you love me Barbara?"

"I don't know."

"Love me please. I need your love."

Barbara said nothing.

At that time, Barbara's twins sister Jane appeared and said,

"Barbara, it's time to fall in love. Ken loves you so much."

Father of Barbara and Jane is White man.

Mother of them is Black woman.

Barbara grew up as a Black girl.

Jane grew up as a White girl.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Novel:The odd relation between Barbara and Jane:P14

White boy said to Afro. American girl Barbara,

" I love you Barbara. will you know my mind?"

After Ken's words, Barbara was very surprised.

And said,

"No kidding me. I'm sick."

Ken began to cry.

"I love you Barbara so much. My love is true."

Barbara also began to cry.

"Don't say such a thing. White is White. Black is Black."

Barbara cried so seriously.

"Barbara, You are all of me. Walk together. Live together."

Ken hold Barbara softly and kissed Barbara gently."

"Oh, Ken."

Barbara is crying so heavy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P13

" Barbara I love you so much."

"No, you are White. I'm Black."

"Your father is White I know."

"Oh Yeah my looks, Black, you know."

"I love all of you Barbara."

Ken cried with tears.

" I need your love, Barbara."


Barbara began to cry.

"Please, please love me. I need your love. I want you."

Barbara continue crying.

Suddenly, Ken hold Barbara and kissed her.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Novel : The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P12

One day, a white boy Ken said to Barbara,

"Oh Barbara, will you do me a favor?"

" What?"

" I love you Barbara. "

 Barbara said nothing.

Ken said to Barbara again,

" I love you Barbara."

" Thank you. But......"

"But what?"

" You white"

"So what?"

Ken began to cry.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Novel:The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P11

"Barbara and Jane are NEW NEW YORKERS."

Their high school principal said to audience.

And also said,

"Barbara and Jane are one of good citizens New York City U.S.

Audience applaud Principal's words.

And after, People say altogether,

"We are America. We are America."

Barbara and Jane smiled with tears.

And say,

"Thank you very much."

Barbara and Jane began to sing again.

Barbara and Jane, New York Sisters are very popular among New Yorkers more and more.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Novel : The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P10

One weekend Barbara and Jane met their real Mother and Father.

They are 36 year-old now.

Barbara said to their real parents,

"You still young young."

Their mother Susan answered with tears,

"Thank you Barbara. I've watched your daily life all the time."


"Yes. of, course. You're my daughter."

And Susan also said,

"Jane how do you do?. Nice to meet you."

"Mother, nice to meet you too."

Their father Adam began to cry.

"Sorry Barbara and Jane. I'm Bad father. I can't take care of you."

After father's words, all people began to cry. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Novel:The odd relation between Barbara and Jane. : P9

Barbara and Jane were crying with tears still now.

"Don't worry Barbara and Jane. You are New Yorker."

An old man said to them.

"Yeah, New Yorker never lonely. You have many New Yorker's friends.

New Yorkers always on your said."

An old woman said to them.

And also said,

"Listen my story carefully. My father is Japanese man. My mother is New Yorker.

I was so happy just I was a little girl. But as you know The big war began.

My father backed to Japan. And he died the war. During the war. Nobody blamed me."

An old woman bean to cry.

People said to me during the war,

"You are the splendid real New Yorker. We are proud of you"

An old woman continued talk,

Now many New Yorkers said to you,

"We are proud of you. Your father is Afro American and your mother is White woman.

No problem. No problem. You are splendid New Yorkers.

Walk as New Yorker will you?"

Barbara and Jane quite crying.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P8

"Barbara and Jane. Listen to me carefully."

One elderly woman said to them.

"You are twins. You are sisters. Your father is Afro. American. And your Mother is white."

Barbara and Jane said nothing after this this woman's words.

"Barbara and Jane. Your case isn't rare case. Many people live in New York city like you. Don't


 Jane began to cry. And also Barbara began to cry.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. You are nice New Yorkers. Good American citizens."

Barbara an Jane were only crying."

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Novel:The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P7

One day, Jane's mother said to Jane,

"Oh, Jane I must tell you the truth. Don't surprise."

"O.K. No problem. Tell me the truth. What kind of Truth?"

"May I tell you?"


"You and Barbara are twins. Real sisters."

After mothers words,

Jane began to shaking her body and said,

"Whoops. fuck. fuck you."

"Sorry Jane."

"Barbara is you daughter?"

"NO. You and Barbara 's parents are different people. We are your step mother and father."


Jane began to cry so heavy.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Novel:The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P6

Barbara and Jane two girls New York Sisters became very popular among all generation New


They say,

"New York Sisters will make New New York. their songs always comfort us."

They know the top secret of New York Sisters.

But They never say that.

They hide the this top secret in their heart.

And said,

"We love New York City. We make the new history of New York U.S.A. and the world."

And also said,

"Many people came from the world in New York City.

New York is the paradise of the world."

Barbara and Jane listen to New Yorkers Voices.

They never know their secret.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Novel :The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P5

Barbara and Jane made,

"New York Sisters."

They sang American old songs and new songs.

New Yorkers excited after their songs.

and they said,

"We love America. We love America."

Almost people cried with tears.

They are anxious about saddest matters of Gun Fights many places.

And also they said,

"We love one America. We love one America. American people love each other."

"New York Sisters. Will you sing a few songs more?"

Barbara and Jane began to sing again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Novel :The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P4

The top secret of Barbara and Jane.

Let me tell that.

Just 18 years ago. Two babies were born in downtown in New York City.

Babies are twins.

Parents are high school students.

Daddy is white boy and Mommy is Afro. American girl.

Too young parents couldn't take care of their babies.

At that time, childless people said to them,

"I can take care of them."

Young parents anxious about their babies.

"We can't understand what to do."

Finally, they gave their babies to childless people.

The story of Barbara and Jane has begun.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P3

Afro. American Barbara and White American Jane, they are good friends all the time.

Classmates said,

"Oh, their relation is like good sisters."

And others said,

"Odd couple."

"Yeah, always together."

At that time,

Barbara and Jane said to classmates,

"We are real friends all the time. We trust each other so much."

Classmates said,

"Yeah, that's right."

Barbara and Jane never know their secret.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The odd relation between Barbara and Jane : P2

Barbara is good at Jazz songs.

Jane is good at country and western.

People love their songs not only high school students but also many people around them.

Barbara said to people,

"We African American love jazz songs. jazz is best."

 People applaud her.

Jane said to people.

"We love Country and Western so much. The songs are American history."

People also applaud her.

One strange thing existed.

Barbara is also good at Country and Western.

Jane is also good at Jazz.

Many people say,


Barbara and Jane spend a splendid daily life.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Seiji Ninomiya Novel The odd relation between Barbara and Jane.

Barbara is the 18 years old. She is a high school girl.

And also she is a good singer.

She is very famous in New York City.

Her parents are Afro. American. She lives in down town in New York City where Afro.American

people live.

Her classmate Jane is a white girl. Her hair is blond.

Classmate called her,

"Blond Jane."

Jane is a good singer as Barbara.

Jane is good at Afro. Americans songs.

Many people say,

"Why blond Jane good at Afro. American songs?"

The big secret exist.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Novel:Female road:Nancy's daily life:P7

"How about my love?"

Tom said to Nancy.

Tom is Jane's husband. Jane is a friend of Nancy.

"OH, good. I'm exciting. I need your love more and more. Please love me so heavy. I'm burning,


"O.K. Nancy."

Tom began to shake his hip.


"Good, Nancy?"

"Yeah, I'm melting."

Tom's hip hop so heavy more and more.


Nancy cried with tears.

"Oh, darling, so nice."

The love continue more and more.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Novel:Female road:Nancy's daily life:P6

Nancy spends sexless life with her husband Tom.

Now, Nancy begins to love her friend Jane's husband Tom.

"Tom, I need guy's love."

"Oh, I know."

"Thank you. Sexless life is HELL ON EARTH for me."

Tom kisses Nancy's body so softly.

"Oh, I'm exciting so much."

 Nancy begins to cry.

Tom kisses Nancy's back.


Nancy shakes her body.

"Good Nancy?"

"Yeah. I'm so exciting."

Tom begins to kiss Nancy's neck.


Nancy shouts with tears.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Novel:Female road : Nancy's daily life : P5

One Saturday night, Nancy said to her husband,

"Darling love me. I can't sleep. Love me darling."

Her husband Tom said,

"Sorry, Nancy. I wanna sleep. I'm very tried. I can't love you tonight."

Nancy began to cry,

"So sad."

After her daughter slept, Nancy went to the bar in her town.

Nancy sat the counter, a guy called Nancy,

"Hi Nancy drink together."

A guy is Nancy's friend Jane's husband Mike.

"O.K. Mike."

"Today you alone."

"Yeah, I'm alone."

"Your husband?"

"He slept now."

"Oh sad and bad."

Nancy's new love story has begun. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Novel:Female road : Nancy's daily life : P4

" Somebody loves me please. I'm burning so heavy. I need guys's love. I need guy's love."

Nancy cried in the bathroom.

Her fingers moved so fast like a monster.

"Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh, I need guy's love."

"Fuck me now. Come on Guy's."

Nancy cried again.

But nobody comes her bathroom.

Her finger moved more and more.

"Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh. help me. Help me. I'm burning so heavy."

Her hip swung so heavy.

Nancy cried again.

" Oh, fuck me. I'm burning so heavy."

Her secret ceremony continued.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Novel:Female road : Nancy's daily life : P3

Nancy's husband Tom is always kind to Nancy.

He gets good enough money to live.

Good husband.

But in the night, he always watch football game in the T.V.

Finally he began to sleep.

This is Nancy's husband's routine.



Nancy said to herself,

"I need love. I need Guy's love."

And also said,

"Love me now. Love me now."

Her fingers began to comfort her secret zone. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Novel : Female road : Nancy's daily life : P2

Nancy said to herself,
"Oh God, give me true love. I wanna true love eagerly. I have no experience of true love."
And also said,
"I'm saddest woman in this world."
After taking bath, she whispered,
"I'm beautiful. Still beautiful "
In the night, her husband drunk so much. He was down.

Nancy began to comfort her body with her fingers.
"I'm burning so much. My heart and my body burning.
Nancy shouted.
"Fuck me. Fuck me please."
Her hip is moving so heavy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Novel : Female Road : Nancy's daily life:P1

Nancy barker is 50 year-old woman.
Good citizen.
She lived with his husband Tom and daughter Jane.
Tom is 58. Jane is 20.
People said to Nancy,
"Your family is so good."
Nancy said them,
"Thank you."
But Nancy always whisper in her heart at that time,
"I'm not happy. Not happy. because I don't know true love."
And also said,
"My husband is a good man. But he never gave me a good love. I'm not satisfied."
One night Nancy whispered against bathroom mirror.
"My daughter is beautiful day by day. But I'm more beautiful than my daughter.
Someday good looking man will appear and love me. Absolutely."
Nancy's desire is so big and deep. But her daily life is never change.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But :P7

Now, Jane is crying so heavy.

"I'm melting. You good Mike. I'm melting."

And also crying with tears,

"Oh Mike. Oh Mike. Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,  More, more I need you love. More, more, Mike."

"O.K. I know your mind so much."

Mike kissed and touched her body softly.

Jane begins to cry again.


"Fuck O.K.?"

"Yeah. O.K. I love your fuck."

"Oh, Mike. Oh, Mike. Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh, Mike."

Their love became so heavy.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But. :P6

Now, lonely Jane Roberts and young man Mike Thomas began to make love.

"I don't know what love is Jane."

"No problem Mike."

Jane began to love Mike from upside.

Mike began to cry.

"Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh, Jane."

"O.K.O.K. Exciting?"

"Yeah. So heavy Jane."


And also Jane kissed Mike's neck.

Mike cried so heavy.

"Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh, Jane."

"O.K. You good."

The new style love began.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But : P5

One night Jane found the young man who tried to committed suicide.

"What are you doing young man?"

"I wanna die."


"I can't understand Chicago English."

"Are you from abroad?"

"NO. I'm from New York City."

"Oh, New Yorker. You don't like Chicago? Do you hate Chicago?"

"I love Chicago. But, people sometimes strange."

"Oh I know your mind. By the way, what is your job?"

"University student."

"You have a bright future. Don't think suicide. Let's drink together."

Jane Roberts went the Bar with this young man.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But. : P4

One Saturday night, Jane Roberts drank so much.

"How about my body?"

She said to a guy.

"How about what?"

"Oh, how about my body?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, fuck."

"Do you want guys' love?"

"Yeah, you know my heart. Thank you."

"Jane, you had better go home and sleep now. You are heavy drinker now."

"Oh, shit. Shut up."

Jane hit Guy's face. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But :P3.

The Name of Heavy Drinker Jane Roberts became big and big.

Almost guys in Chicago said to each other.

"Take care Jane Roberts."

"Yeah very dangerous."

"Her boyfriend is Whisky and Wine. All alcohol."

"I don't like such a Crazy woman."

Guys said many things.

But Jane Roberts drinks whisky in the bar every day.

After drink, she said to guys in the bar.

"I need guys love."

But no one answered.  

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane. I'm burning inside. But:P2

"Hey, Jane. You had better change your daily life."

 Jane's friends said to Jane."

"None of your business."

 Jane answered.

"You always heavy drinker. So bad. Whisky is your boyfriend?"

"Shut up."

 Bad conversation continued.

Every night, Jane attacked young guys and said,

"Enjoy together. Love together. The night is young."

 At that time, all guys said to Jane.

"Sorry Jane. I must go home."

Jane's lonely heart became deeper and deeper.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Novel:Lonely Heart Jane Story:I'm burning inside. But:P1

Jane Roberts is 42 years old woman. She lives in Chicago.
She has no family.
She always says herself with tears, "I'm lonely, always lonely. Why? Why? Why?"
She works a small company. After the work, she goes to small bar in downtown Chicago.
Now she is a heavy drinker everyday. People said to her,
"Hi Jane, you had better go home and sleep."
After this words, Jane always cries loud voice.
"Shut up, I wanna drink more and more. None of your business."
People say,
And also say with small voice,
"Trouble Jane."