Monday, November 16, 2015

Novel:I'm over 60 year-old girl, I need guy's love still now:P22

After love with Tom, he never connect with Meg.
" My love finished now. I know the situation.
May be he made a young girlfriend. "
And also said.
" I never cry.  I never cry. "
But she dropped tears so heavy.
" New love will come soon. "
Meg went coffee shop.
And she talked waiter for a while
" Mom, are you from Kansas City? "
" Year, but why understand my home town? "
" Your words. My mommy's from Kansas City. "
" You live with your mommy? "
" No my parents devorced ten years ago. "
" Sorry. I ask a bad qestion. "
" No problem. "
" I'm Jimmy. "
" I'm Meg. Nice to meet you. "
They smiled each other.

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