Saturday, November 28, 2015

Novel:I'm over 60 year-old girl, I need guy's still now:P26

" New York City and NEW YORKER have a special culture. Metropolitan culture. So nice. "
Meg said to New Yorker Jimmy.
" Yes, Meg. And also American local cities have GOOD OLD DAYS CULTURE. "
Jimmy said to Kansas city woman Meg.
" What's that? "
" Oh, very important thing. Good old days culture still remain local cities in U.S.A. "
" I can't understand at all. "
" OH Meg, you always live in Good old days culture city. So you never know that. "
" Oh,Oh. "
" After you will come back from New York City, you recognize that, Meg. "
"I hope so Jimmy. "
After this conversation, They kissed so deeply again.

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